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Artist Spotlight: Mollye Bendell

IN PLAIN SIGHT(site) is the immersive performance series we’ve been doing all this past year during the pandemic. Each iteration, a cycle of artists present new work exploring the concept of PORTALS. Audiences are led through the performances as they rise and fall across the space.

In part four of IN PLAIN SIGHT(site), a new cycle of artists continue this exploration of portals and doorways to other realities on Friday, November 5, 2021. We're highlighting the artists you'll see all this week!

About Mollye

Mollye Bendell (she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist with a focus in electronic and digital media. She has created radio works as a resident of Wave Farm/WGXC, and developed augmented and virtual reality projects as a resident of Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center and the Tides Institute and Museum of Art. She is a founding member of strikeWare Collective and currently a lecturer in the Immersive Media Design program at University of Maryland, College Park. She lives and works in Baltimore, MD.

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