Check out some highlights from our first iteration of In Plain Sight(site), a distanced performance series featuring the work of Sun English, Jr, Lynn Hunter, Sifu Sun, Noelle Tolbert, Carly J. Bales, Alisa Glen, April Lewis, Laure Drogoul, Bashi Rose, Katie Macyshyn, and Michele Blu.
Alien bellhops welcomed passers-by to an interdimensional transit station that had arisen within the storefront of Le Mondo. Audiences gathered on the sidewalks to witness performances that considered portals, gateways, and the movement between conjured realities.
Thanks to all the humans on this plane of existence who came out for In Plain Sight(site). It was so exciting to see a real live crowd experiencing new art!
Stay tuned for more iterations this winter.
Photo and Video Work: Richard Kennedy & Emre Yagci